Sitangkai has its legendary origin named after the beautiful Sama teenager, the only and lovely daughter of a certain Panglima who died untimely and was buried in the land of Saluru. The girl is popularly known by her penname “Tangkai” from Sinama word “atangkai-tangkai” because of her good looking neck which was proportional to her vital statistics. A visit to her graveyard is a belief and tradition among Sama people as a token in showing their love. It was said that every time Panglima passes by, relatives and friends usually greet him and asks, “Where are you going?” Panglima would answer, to visit the grave of “Tangkai”. In 1900, “Tangkai became the word “Saluru”.
During the early years of 1903, the island became popularly known as “Sitankan” and later in 1918 named “Sitangki”. It was named after a Chinese National by the name “Tang Kay” who owned a water tank, which in native dialect is called “tangkih”. In 1939, this peaceful island became known as “SiTangkai”. This was corrected by a Chinese Businessman into “SyTangkai” in 1948. Today it is known as “Sitangkai.

Before, Sibutu was the seat of the municipal government with Lt Ambutong Sapal as the Local Administrator. He was replaced by the appointment of Datu Amilhamja as the new Local Administrator by the Japanese Imperial Navy Command in 1941-1945. After the war in 1946, Hadji Mocthar Sulayman became the Municipal Mayor for few months only in 1946. In 1954, Datu Amilhamja Jaafar was appointed to Office. Datu Jaafar served as Mayor till the early year of 1960.From 1960 to 1971, Hadji Mansul Harun, a native son of Sitangkai became the first Elected Mayor of Sibutu Municipality followed by Atty. Celso J. Palma. He was succeeded by Oyong B. Ismael. In 1980, Datu Young Baguinda was elected as the new mayor of the municipality. After the EDSA Revolution in 1986, municipal leadership changed hands, and it was handed over to former Mayor Hadji Mansul Harun who served as OIC-Mayor. From January to December of 1987, the municipality was under the leadership of his brother, Hadji Gaffor Harun; and in 1987 Datu Allong Mahmon became OIC-Mayor till early 1988. In 1988, Filipino-Chinese Businessman, Paquito A. Tan convincingly won the mandate as the 10th Mayor of the municipality and it was during his incumbency that Sitangkai became the seat of municipal government. Mayor Tan was succeeded by his popular councilor, Tiblan C. Ahaja who obtained the constituents mandate for 9 years.

In the May 14, 2007 elections, Hadji Serbin “Silent” C. Ahaja won the mandate of the constituents and was sworn in as the 12th Municipal Mayor of Sitangkai. He was re-elected into the same position last May 2013 election.

In the recent Election Mayor Hadji Tiblan C. Ahaja again won the popular vote and sworn into as the 13th Mayor of the Municipality.


Location and Geophysical Features

The municipality has (9) barangays:

Barangay10 Digit CodeCorrespondence CodeUrban/RuralPopulation (2020 Census)
Datu Baguinda Putih1907005016157005016Rural3,104
Imam Sapie1907005021157005021Rural4,580
North Larap1907005022157005022Rural2,897
Panglima Alari1907005023157005023Urban8,417
South Larap1907005001157005001Rural1,986
Total Population37,319

Filipino-Chinese Businessman, Paquito A. Tan convincingly won the mandate as the 10th Mayor of the municipality and it was during his incumbency that Sitangkai became the seat of municipal government.